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February 3, 2003 - Monday

February 3, 2003 - Monday

Snowy day, but quite warm.

In spite of everything, I had a good day.

This morning we had to leave early, but we still had an altercation with Fumihiko's Mum on our way out. I don't know exactly what it was about, but she's going about things the wrong way.

At the apartment today I slept for 3 glorious hours. It was wonderful. Then I cooked breakfast and watched TV and did laundry. It was great. Fumihiko came by in the middle of the day for a visit. He had to drop someone off at city hall and wasn't needed for a while.

After he left, I did a bit more work and then he came back after work. We went to a bank machine in Jusco and then drove out to Mikawa to the French Restaurant there. We had roast duck and it was excellent. The whole dinner was nice. I passed on dessert, but Fumihiko's smelt wonderful.

After dinner we went for a drive in Sakata. We even went out to the dock and saw some of the boats. It was really nice. Then we popped into Jusco and then drove home. I watched ER and now I'm watching Dark Angel. I'm really surprised that it's on now. It used to be on at 9:00 pm. Anyway, it's time for bed and showers and stuff.

I'll likely not put up a message for a few days as I'm off on a trip to celebrate my birthday. Don't wait up for me! Night night!

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