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February 7, 2003 - Friday

February 7, 2003 - Friday

Lovely warm day. The snow was melting and there was a definite air of Spring to be felt.

A pretty good day. This morning it was hard to get moving though to go back to work. Poor me! I went to the apartment and took a long nap, then I did laundry, made lunch and breakfast and watched TV. In other words, I did the usual stuff.

Work was fine today too. I had 5 classes today, which was a good number. They all went quite well and I was happy with them.

After work I went out to karaoke with 4 of my students. We only went for an hour, but it was a lot of fun. I sang 3 songs, all quite badly! Seriously, two of them I'd never sung before. After that, Fumihiko was late in picking me up, but we went out for dinner anyway. It was okay. I had a chicken burger and lots of tea!

When we came home I got a present from Fumihiko's Mum and then a card from Dorothy, a relative in Canada. She included a nice letter too, so I hope that I find time to answer her.

And that's it. A pretty good day. I hope tomorrow is as good too. Night - night!

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