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Saturday, February 8, 2003

Saturday, February 8, 2003

A warm winter's day. Nice actually.

Today was a reasonably good day. I wasn't too busy at work today, but busy enough that I wasn't bored.

We went out to Yoshinoya for breakfast this morning. It was good, but a bit strange! Beef for breakfast? Oh well!

After work, Fumihiko was late picking me up again, but he had a good excuse tonight. He was cooking my dinner! I had to forgive him. We ate and watched the end of Stargate the movie. I had almost forgotten how cute I thought James Spader is. It was also interesting to see the people who were in the movie and in the series.

Tomorrow we have a busy day. We have Hitomi's two goodbye parties and then we are leaving in the evening for an undisclosed location! All I can say is that I hope this trip goes better than my birthday one! I won't be updating for a couple of days, so don't worry about us.

Night night.

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