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February 16, 2003 - Sunday

February 16, 2003 - Sunday

Warm but rainy day.

A great day, really!

We got back so late last night and didn't do much besides play with our computers. That was fun though. This morning we didn't get up early at all! It was around 12 when we got up.

We went to the Daiichi Hotel for lunch. We had to wait which was a surprise as we never usually have to. Lunch was fine, not great, not bad. After lunch we went to see the Ikebana exhibit on the second floor. One of my students had given me free tickets to go and see it, so we did. It was great. I was really interested in the different designs. There was one there that I nicknamed The Peacock, because that's what it looked like to me. I always thought that Ikebana would be very stark and plain, but what I didn't know is that there are many different styles. Some of the designs had cds entwined in them, and some had English newspapers in them too. It was bizarre, but in a cool way! After we had looked at all of the designs we were a bit flowered out, so we decided to go to Mikawa. I had wanted to get my hair cut, but unfortunately the shop was closed. Next week!

At Mikawa we checked out the movies and found out that Red Dragon was playing at 3:45, or in an hour. We bought our tickets and then went and played games for a while. We both had bad luck and used up our tokens quite quickly. So, we wandered a bit, and bought some used videos. We got The Relic, The Frighteners and Bull Durham. Kevin Costner when he was gorgeous!

The movie was good. It was scary, without being too scary, and smart enough that I stayed interested in it all the way through. Ralph Fiennes once again proves that he's a great actor, and so does Edward Norton. Don't get me wrong, Anthony Hopkins was good too, but it's hard to add much to his character at this stage in the series.

We were going to go to Sakata for dinner after the movie, but I remembered that we had to get kerosene for the house. So, we went back to Tsuruoka and got it. Then we went to Simon, a French restaurant. We had steak and soup, with some sashimi to start. It was great. I really enjoyed it. Of course I cancelled dessert, but I enjoyed my meal anyway.

We ended up going to S-Mall to waste some time. I bought a few things at the 100 yen store and also trawled the music/video store. They had a pretty good selection for such a small city.

Fumihiko drove us home afterwards and I found out that my old friend, and ex student Mitsuko had phoned us. I phoned her back and made some plans to meet her tomorrow in Sendai. I haven't seen her in a few years, so I'm really looking forward to meeting her. Then, I packed up my suitcase. Gosh, I hope that I've remembered everything! Once I leave, it's really hard to get more stuff. Sigh.

So, please remember I won't be back in Tsuruoka for a few days. I may actually have to stay away an extra night, at the apartment, due to Fumihiko's going to work early one day. I'll let you know as soon as I get back. Don't miss me too much!

Night night!

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