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February 19, 2003 - Wednesday

February 19, 2003 - Wednesday

Nice sunny and almost warm day.

It's been a busy couple of days. Yesterday was our meeting in Sendai, so I went in on Monday so that I could do a bit of shopping. I ended up doing a bit less than I had planned, but it was still fun.

Monday I took the bus into Sendai and shopped for a few hours. Then I went and met Mitsuko, an old student of mine. We got married about the same time and haven't seen each other in years. It was nice, we ate at an izakaya and then her husband joined us.

It was great sleeping in a hotel by myself for the first night. I could do what I wanted, when I wanted to. I took a bath and read my book, after midnight. It was great!

Today, I woke up around 6:30. My roommate had to get up at 6:45 and then I got up around 7:00. I had breakfast and a shower. I left for my bus and made it with lots of time to spare. Thank goodness. I slept most of the way back.

Work today was fine. I was a little busy, and a little tired. Classes went quite well though.

After work we went to the train station to see off Hitomi. She's off to Osaka before she goes to Canada. It was nice, but a little weird. I would have wanted to leave quickly and get it over with though.

Fumihiko brought me home and we ate dinner, and I discovered that I'd set the VCR wrong, so I didn't tape any of the programmes that I wanted to. Sigh. Oh well. I may not write tomorrow, I'll likely stay at the apartment tomorrow. Don't miss me too much! Night night.

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