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February 26, 2003 - Wednesday

February 26, 2003 - Wednesday

A warm day, then rainy at night.

A busy day at work. I was scheduled for 7 lessons, but one class ended up not coming so I had 6. I'm a bit glad to be honest, as I was tired today. Despite trying to get done early last night, I couldn't do it. Sigh. The classes that I did have went well, and I think everyone was happy in them.

After work, Fumihiko and I came home where we made shabu-shabu. I've only eaten it a few times, but it was delicious. It was also really nice to be at home for a change. I like dining out, but I do get tired of it sometimes!

Tonight I downloaded some pictures into my computer for school. That took a long time. I also watched Providence. Tonight Sydney collapsed. Oh no! She's in a coma for now.

I'm off to bed soon. Night night!

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