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Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Tuesday, February 25, 2003

A nice morning, followed by rain and snow in the evening, then clear again!

This morning I did something different. I went over to the temple to commemorate my mother's death. It was a little weird, when I got there, there was a man with a dog. It was a Sheltie. Those of you who know me, know that my Mum used to raise Shelties on the farm. It was a tri-coloured Sheltie, which aren't that common here, just like my dog. I don't know if I should take it as a sign or a huge interesting coincidence. Anyway, it made me feel rather good.

I came back to the apartment, took a nap and then I made breakfast. I also sewed on a button, which was good.

I was quite busy at work today. I had six classes and I think they all went well. Lots of people absent today though. Not sure what's up.

After work I prepared for tomorrow's first two classes and then I left with Fumihiko. We went to Dan for dinner tonight. It was really nice. We had nabe, tofu, salad, sashimi, and steak. Yum yum yum!

We came home and that was it. It was an interesting day, a bit different than I was expecting.

Night, night!

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