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January 10, 2003 - Friday

January 10, 2003 - Friday

Warm and sunny day, the snow was a-melting.

Apologies for the lack of an entry last night. I was incredibly tired and I fell asleep before I could write one! I woke up, but I felt bad and decided to forgo the journal for the night.

Today at the apartment I did my usual stuff, watch TV, laundry, read, that kind of thing. It was fun. I made lunch and breakfast.

The walk to work was nice today as it was warm and sunny. The snow had melted in many places so I could walk quite quickly. I had to walk quickly as I left late, but it was fine.

I wasn't very busy at work today. I only had 3 classes, but they were fine. To fill up my spare time I went through two of my boxes that I brought back from Otaru and mostly threw things out. It was a bit strange. I kept a few things, but most of it was out of there! I felt really good afterwards when I realized how much stuff I'd trashed. I also wondered why it took me so long!

Tonight I got out of the school early and Fumihiko took me first to the apartment to get my laundry and then home for supper. Supper was nice. I made Fumihiko an omelet tonight and he really liked it, even though it didn't have any kind of filling.

Later we watched the very end of Dragon, the Bruce Lee story and then I watched The West Wing. It was great as always, but I have to watch it again so that I can see the beginning. It's one of those shows where if you miss one minute you get lost!

And that's it! I'm tired tonight too, so I'm going to go to bed soon. Wish me a good night's sleep please! When will I ever get over my jet lag? Night night.

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