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January 11, 2003 - Saturday

January 11, 2003 - Saturday

A bit cloudy, but quite warm.

I was a bit busier at work today than I have been for a while. I had five classes that seemed to go quite well. But, as usual, I'm getting ahead of myself!

For breakfast today we went to McDonalds. Not a regular restaurant, but a mini one in a grocery store. It was okay and I rather enjoyed it. They didn't have breakfast there though. So, I had salad, a bacon lettuce burger without the bun, and an oolong tea. Good stuff. Fumihiko had a Big Mac. It's funny, but before me, I don't think my husband had ever been to a fast food restaurant!

I planned to go through another box today at work, but when I found it and prepared myself to bring it out of the room, I found that it wasn't my box at all! I guess I had already done it before! Oh well. I guess that's a good thing, right?

After my first class, one of the students who is supposed to be in that class came by the school to bring us his omiage or souvenirs from his trip to Thailand. We had a nice chat, and he told us all about Thailand. He got to use some of his English while he was there so he was happy! He also made me happy by telling me that my face looked thinner! Hurray! Someone noticed!

When I finished work I waited for Fumihiko to call me, but he didn't! I had told him that I'd likely be done by 9:15, but he didn't call me, so I called him! He was on his way, so it wasn't bad. We went home and ate a lovely dinner of yakiniku. While we were doing that, we watched a documentary on TV from Canada. It was really interesting. It was shot by police in Vancouver to try to stop young people from taking drugs. It showed the way that life on the street really is for some people, and how quickly drugs can change a person.

After we did dishes, we went out to karaoke. I just really wanted to go. We went to Audition for an hour. It was fun. I sang a bunch of songs for the first time, or for the first time in ages. One of my favourites to do is "Be Our Guest" from Beauty and the Beast. It's a bit like doing a whole musical number because there's two different accents and it's very theatrical. I'm probably glad that the only person who could hear me loves me a lot! I did the Shakira song "Whenever, Wherever" and nearly died laughing. There's a line that says something like, "I'm thankful that my breasts are small and humble." Now, I know that the singers first language isn't English, but that is just a crazy line! And, well, mine aren't! Thank goodness I wasn't trying to sing it in front of my students or co-workers!

We came home and I put away my clean laundry and rearranged one of my underwear drawers. I live an exciting life! I'm now writing this and listening to some great music on my computer and in a few minutes I'll post this entry to the internet.

Oh, one more thing, another student came back from his honeymoon and brought me a beautiful silk scarf and some chocolate! I was really surprised in a pleasant way. I really didn't expect that.

Anyway, I'm off. Take care, and .....night night!

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