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January 13, 2003 - Monday

January 13, 2003 - Monday

Rainy, cloudy, and not too cold. Yay!

I slept in a lot today. It was great! I didn't wake up until somewhere close to 11:00. How nice is that? It's a national holiday, so neither of us had work. We got up and decided to go out for lunch, but Fumihiko's Mother asked us to take her to Oyama to visit her mother. So. obliging people that we are, we did it!

Then we went to Paris Cinq for lunch. It was great. We had steak from Yonezawa, which was incredibly tender.We had a nice lunch of other stuff too! There was salad, onion soup, and tea. I didn't have the dessert or the bread or rice, but it all looked lovely.

After lunch we went shopping. We didn't buy a lot, just some chair backs. I hate sitting on the zabuton and not being able to lean back. I looked at cd racks. I want a tall slim one so that I can put my cds down where I can see them. The problem with them up high is that I never see them, so I don't put them away. That's a problem when you have as many cds as I do.

We came home and had some tea, then went and picked up Fumihiko's Mum. We dropped her off at home and went to the mall. We played coin games for a while, then drove to Sakata to eat dinner. Then, we went to the Jusco there to get me a few groceries for this week.

We drove home, via the apartment, and settled in for the evening. I played with my new camera a bit to see how to use it. I think I can, it's all in English, but I'm a bit shaky on how to hook it up to my computer. Still, I will be able to do that someday I think! I watched ER, wrote some email, and soon I'll take my shower and get ready for bed. I had a great weekend. I just wish it wasn't over yet! Night night!

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