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January 23, 2003 - Thursday

January 23, 2003 - Thursday

A bit cold and finally snowy. Big ol' slow snowflakes that make you think you are in a snow globe.

A pretty good day today. I got up on time, which was hard to do as I'd stayed up a bit late last night. When I went to the apartment I immediately took a nap, and didn't get up for about 2 hours. Yikes. That wasn't too good. Still, I got lunch made and I made and ate breakfast so it wasn't too bad. Then I walked to work.

I wasn't too busy today. I had one class, my last one, not show up, which was nice as I got to do some paperwork. In my second last one, only one showed up. Another student came just as I ended class. I felt bad for him, but I couldn't reteach what I'd just taught the other student.

I generally had a good day and I had quite a good first class too. I found a great article in the newspaper and I did a bit of prep work with the student before we read it. I think it helped a bit. She seemed to enjoy the article a lot.

After work, we drove Hitomi home and then went out for dinner. We went to M's Dining and bumped into two of my old students. We waved and said hi. Dinner was good. I had chicken and steak and caesar salad. Yum yum.

We came home and I did some work with my silly camera. It was fun, but I'm still not quite sure what I'm doing with it. Oh well. I'm still learning about it.

And that was my day. It was pretty cool. Tomorrow I hope it will be cool too. I'll let you know. Good evening!

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