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January 24, 2003 - Friday

January 24, 2003 - Friday

Clear in the daytime, with lots of snow and cold in the evening.

Today was a bit busy, even though I didn't have a lot of classes. I had 5 plus an interview which I think went quite well too. I prepped classes for today and also for tomorrow. I'm much busier this Saturday.

At the apartment this morning I did laundry and took a shower. I really like the shower in my apartment. The water force is much stronger than in my house. I also cooked lunch and watched a bit of TV. Very nice and relaxing.

After work I was picked up by a very nice man and driven to my house. I was fed a lovely pork chop, salad and some sashimi. It was all very nice. After dishes we came upstairs to spend some time together before I started to use my computer. I had to send a bunch of email tonight. I've been letting it slide a bit.

And pretty much that is my day. It's too nasty outside to do very much, so I am happy just staying home and relaxing. At least until tomorrow night. Night night!

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