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January 25, 2003 - Saturday

January 25, 2003 - Saturday

Cold and snowy in the morning, clear in the evening.

Today I did something a little outrageous! I wore pants to work! More specifically I wore a pant suit to work. I felt great! It was warm and I think it looked really good too. I bought the suit 2 years ago, almost exactly and I never wore it. No, that's not true, I wore the skirt and jacket, but the pants were too long and I wasn't allowed to wear them so I didn't wear them. Well, I had the pants shortened and I wore them today. Yay me! I felt really great. Thankfully, my school changed it's policy on women wearing trousers.

I was busy at work today. I had seven classes, but I'm biased enough to think that they went well. I had good discussions in most of them. In one class we talked about clothes. It was one of the first times that that particular student loosened up enough to talk. It was great. She made mistakes, but she was relaly communicating which was so good.

This morning Fumihiko got up before me and was trying to get me to get up too. I hate mornings and I'm afraid I was a little grumpy! We went out for breakfast to Gusto. It was okay, but not great.

After work we went to Kamerotei for yakiniku. It was yummy. We ate way, way too much, but it was really good I thought.

Then, we came home and I discovered that I had received some mail from Canada. Two years ago a woman from my high school days let me know that she had some of my very old photos. I had loaned them to our High School Reunion committee and never got them back. I didn't know that I was supposed to get them, not leave them to be returned to me. It was so nice to get them back. The pictures are 20 years old and boy how we've changed! Fumihiko reminded me that they are 20 years (oh my goodness) old, so it's no wonder. They are funny. Most of us have gained weight, and some of us have lost hair. It's sad, but sweet too. I wonder where some of the people are. We lost touch over the years. It was mostly them that stopped writing to me, not vice versa.

And that's about it. A very good day today. I really enjoyed myself. I hope tomorrow is as good!

Night night all!

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