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January 26, 2003 - Sunday

January 26, 2003 - Sunday

Clear and sunny, nice day really. It got up to 4 degrees.

A lovely day. I woke up late, very late. In fact, it was almost noon before I got up. It was wonderful! When I got up Fumihiko and I went out for lunch. We went to the Daiichi hotel and I had fish! I know, I never have fish these days, but I did. It was on my diet and it was really nice.

After that we went to Mikawa and found out that that there was a movie I wanted to see at 3:50. So, we went to play coin games for an hour. It was fun, but we went over time and couldn't catch the show. We decided to go to Sakata and have supper instead.

When we got to Sakata Fumihiko automatically turned to go into M's Dining but I put my foot down and said no. We always go there and I wanted something different. We drove around and finally drove by a place I'd been years ago. We turned around and went it. It was really nice and I had steak. It was quite nice. Fumihiko liked it too, so we were both happy.

We left with just about 20 minutes to get back to the theater for the late show. We made it! I really enjoyed myself at it. We saw The Bourne Identity. I read the book way back when and the movie was very far removed from the book, but it was interesting anyway! Matt Damon wasn't bad at all.

After the movie we decided that we were both a little hungry so we went to a new for us yakiniku restaurant for a bit. It was really nice. I had some soup and some yakiniku. Yum.

Then we came home and spent some time together before going to sleep a bit early for us. It was nice.

That was my day! It was pretty good actually. Night night.

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