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January 29, 2003 - Wednesday

January 29, 2003 - Wednesday

Snow, snow, snow. Driving snow, howling wind and snow everywhere!

What a day. In the morning Fumihiko drove me to work, but traffic was really slow. I was worried that he'd be late, but he tells me that he wasn't. At the apartment I did my usual stuff and then I left for work. It was awful. The walk I mean, not work.

It was snowing so hard that I couldn't see where I was going. That was scary. I followed car tracks and just hoped they were going the same way I wanted to. By the time I got to work I was a popsicle.

Many of my students didn't come today because of the weather. I totally understood. Classes went okay, they weren't too stressful, but each one had only 1 person in them. Sigh.

After work, we gave Hitomi a ride home and then came home. We had some pork burgers and lettuce. It was okay actually. I did the dishes tonight too because I wanted to come upstairs and watch Providence and Fumihiko was drinking coffee and relaxing.

That's about it. It was a terribly cold day today, and I wore a skirt! I'm crazy. Tomorrow it's going to be pants again. Take care...night night.

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