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January 28, 2003 - Tuesday

January 28, 2003 - Tuesday

Clear, then thunder and hail and now snow...lots of snow.

A pretty good day. When I got to the apartment I pseudo napped and then decided to take a bath. I had a great one, started a new book and everything. Afterwards I cooked lunch and breakfast. Yes, in that order. When I had just sat down to eat, there was a huge clap of thunder which left the apartment shaking. After that there was a lot of hail so I was a bit nervous about leaving for work, but by the time I did it was fine. There were little pills of hail everywhere though.

Work was fine but busy. My first student was a bit late, but generally everyone else was on time today, or nearly. Hurray!

After work I did my paperwork and then left with my husband. He'd been cooking and made nabe. It was really good, as always. When we finished the dishes we came upstairs and we're on our respective computers! The family that computes together stays together?

Anyway, I'm off. Have a good night! Bye!

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