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Monday, July 7, 2003

Monday, July 7, 2003

Rainy and miserable all day.

Despite the weather, I had a great day! In the morning I went to the apartment with Fumihiko and proceeded to fall asleep for 3 hours! I obviously needed the extra sleep though! When I got up I did laundry and made a light brunch for myself. I also watched some of a video that Van had sent me ages ago. I was thrilled to discover that there was a news show from Canada and an episode of Ebert and Roeper. The episode was their top ten picks for 2002. It was nice to see some of the films that I've seen on the list!

I went to see if the local bookstore had a copy of Harry Potter that I could get, but when I got there it didn't seem to have any English books at all. This is a disturbing development. I need to be able to buy some books sometimes! I left without buying anything. I went to the grocery store and the drug store then went home. I ate a bit of food before Fumihiko came to get me.

We both fell asleep for a bit and then went out for dinner. I suggested going to the Washington Hotel. We'd tried to go before, but couldn't find the restaurant. This time we did! It was nice. We had shabu-shabu. It was delicious. We had tons of vegetables and some tofu too. I ate a lot, way too much!

After we went to karaoke. There's a new one just opened so we went there. We used a new system that had a lot of English songs that I'd never sung before. I enjoyed most of them! I did "Total Eclipse of the Heart", "All that Jazz", "It's Raining Men" & "Out of Reach" from the Bridget Jones soundtrack. and even, "I Think I Love You" by the Partridge Family! I was so surprised to see that one! Everything I sang was fun and I really enjoyed myself. Fumihiko enjoyed himself too!

After an hour we came home where we watched ER and finally wrapped up Katie's birthday present. I think she'll like it! I hope so anyway.

And that was my day. It was pretty good, despite the weather and me feeling tired. Adios!

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