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July 6, 2003 - Sunday

July 6, 2003 - Sunday

Sunny and gorgeous.

A pretty nice day today. We got up late and then went out for brunch to the Daiichi Hotel. It was pretty good today. Then we went to Mikawa shopping center and saw Charlie's Angels Full Throttle. It was a terrible movie. I found myself enjoying it for no other reason than it was really dumb and didn't seem to care that it was so dumb!

After the movie we went out for dinner to a French restaurant in Mikawa. I had steak tonight and Fumihiko had duck. Not bad!

We made a quick detour to Jusco and then came home where I forced my husband to watch my new DVD of Notting Hill. Now that is a great movie! I love it. Although, my husband says that he can't understand why people think Julia Roberts is so beautiful. I know what he means, but I think that she has such a strong life force or genkiness that it makes her beautiful. Anyway, my husband thinks I'm better looking than Julia Roberts, so that has to be worth something, right?

And that's it for my day. I'll have to send a bit of email and then I want to get Katie-chan's birthday present wrapped up and sent to her. Time is running out. Sigh.

Night night!

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