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July 10, 2003 - Thursday

July 10, 2003 - Thursday

Rainy again, most of the day.

Today wasn't a bad day, it just wasn't a great day! We had to get up at 6:30 this morning for Fumihiko's work. It was okay. I got ready quickly and we left. He dropped me off at the apartment. Then I went off to pick up my bike. I'd left it at the school last night. I had a nice walk, but unfortunately it started to rain on my way there. I rode back quickly, but didn't get too wet! It was really nice to get out for a bit of fresh air though.

Despite my plans, I ended up going to sleep when I got back to the apartment. I don't really blame myself as I didn't sleep well and I did get up early. Later I made my breakfast and got ready for work.

Work was okay today. One class didn't come but the others did and I was very busy, so work went fast today. I'm glad too!

Fumihiko picked me up at the school again tonight and this time we went to M's Dining. I had something new for me, steak with mustard and garlic. It had lots of garlic chips on it. It was really good, but now I have dragon breath!

Anyway, I am so tired that I really want to get to bed soon. Wish me luck! Night night!

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