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July 11, 2003 - Friday

July 11, 2003 - Friday

Sunny morning, pouring rain at night.

I can't remember ever seeing a real rat before. I'm an Albertan, and we just don't have any rats. The reason I mention this is that this morning when I brought my bike back from the school, there was a dead rat in my neighbour's parking space. Yuck. It was still there tonight.

This morning I didn't take a nap. Yeah me! I feel very proud of myself. I got lots of things done, laundry and newspaper read. I even did all of my dishes before I left. Yeah me.

Work was okay. I had two classes back to back, then a break, one short one, then another break and then two back to back again. I could have had seven today, but didn't. Thank goodness. In my last class I had a student transfer in from one of my other classes and it was a nice thing! He's very funny and I think having another person in class made it more fun for my other student.

I got a lot of preparation done for tomorrow. That was good. I'm glad that I could do that.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and we got soaking wet putting my bike in the trunk of the car. When we got to the apartment I suggested that he come up and put on a dry shirt. He really was wet. He agreed with me so we went up. I grabbed my clean laundry and he changed his shirt.

We went out for dinner to Itchi-go yakiniku. It was really good. We felt a bit sorry for the waitress because tonight she was the only person there. She had to wait on us and do all the food preparation. She did very well, and things didn't take all that long.

We came home and now I'm writing this! I'll take a shower soon. I'm looking forward to getting to bed tonight. I'm quite tired. Night night!!!

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