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July 12, 2003 - Saturday

July 12, 2003 - Saturday

Rainy in the morning and then clear later at night.

A pretty good day actually. I got woken up by my husband making me coffee. What a lovely man! The coffee was okay too! We had breakfast at Gusto and then I went to work.

Work was fine today. I was supposed to have six classes but one of my doubles didn't come. The rest were all pretty good though.

After work I came home with Fumihiko and ate dinner. It was great. He cooked steak for us. Yum!

Later I watched Dharma and Greg, and now I'm watching Rob Roy. I didn't like it too much, but it's an English movie with lots of swordplay, and men in kilts. Wa hoo! I got Fumihiko to wear jeans, I wonder if I could get him to wear the kilt??? Hmmm. Maybe not!

Tomorrow is Obon and I'm a bit nervous. It's one of those Japanese holidays that doesn't mean anything to me, but is important to the people around me. I hope that things go well. I'll let you know tomorrow! Night night!

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