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July 13, 2003 - Sunday

July 13, 2003 - Sunday

Warm and sunny day.

Oh goodness, what a day. Today is Obon, at least locally. This morning I slept in as I usually do and then we went out for lunch. Fumihiko wanted to stay out all day and I should have listened to him. But, I didn't. When we returned after lunch, his Mum was with a relative, so we went out and had the car's oil changed. When we finished we came back home to pick her up. We were going to the temple to visit Fumihiko's Father's grave.

When we got there, everything seemed fine until we went to the grave site. A Buddhist priest came with us (I have no idea why) and after Fumihiko and his Mum arranged the flowers, the priest started chanting something and ringing a bell. I politely bowed my head and said a few prayers of my own. His mother wanted me to wash the gravestone, but I didn't.

We went into the temple and Fumihiko and his Mum said a few prayers at the entrance, then went to the place inside for Fumhiko's Dad. When we got there his Mum started saying something about me and Fumihiko got really angry and tried to leave without her. I told him that we couldn't leave her there. We let her finish and then we went outside while she gave money to the priests. When she came out and we got in the car she started telling me off and telling Fumihiko off too. He tried to tell her that I'm not a Buddhist and it isn't required that I become a Buddhist just because I married him. He's not really a Buddhist either after all. We drove part of the way home, and I was trying to keep Fumihiko calm. However, his Mum started saying something again near Tsuruoka Park so he pulled over and the two of them started yelling at each other. I was pretty upset, because I knew that it was about me. I considered getting out and leaving the two of them to it, but I didn't. Finally, Fumihiko told his Mum to get out and walk. I was a little shocked, but she was driving him crazy.

When she got out we waited a few minutes for him to calm down and then we went to Mikawa Mall. We wanted to see a movie or do something that would clear our heads. We ended up playing coin games for an hour or so, I bought an ice cream maker too, and then we went to see Terminator 3. When I was going for my Pre-movie Toilet break, I discovered that there was another movie playing that I would rather have seen, but didn't know because the title had been changed into Japanese and I didn't recognise it. The picture didn't show the cast either so I couldn't see that it was the one I was more interested in!

Still, we did see Terminator 3. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. I think if it had been less than 10 years since the last one I would have liked it less, because the last one was so very good. The story was only okay, but it had potential.

After the movie we used up the last of our coins for the games then went to Sakata for food. We went to M's Dining. I didn't really want to come back home afterwards but there wasn't really anyway around it. However, when we got back here his Mum had already gone to bed so there wasn't a nasty confrontation or anything. Thank goodness. However, I'm worried about tomorrow morning. Wish us luck!

Night night!

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