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July 14, 2003 - Monday

July 14, 2003 - Monday - Bastille Day!

Sunny and hot, glorious day.

A pretty good day compared to yesterday. This morning we got up, stripped the beds and left. We didn't see the MIL at all. Thank goodness!

At the apartment I washed my sheets and I washed the ice cream maker and got it ready to use. I showered and around 12 I left the apartment and went to the bank, post office and then to the Daiichi Hotel. I had their lunch today. It was okay, not great, but not terrible either. After I went shopping. I didn't buy any cds there and I hacked around the hundred yen shop, and bought a few things for school.

I stopped by Hard Off on my way to the grocery store and ended up buying a used dvd. It's a bad movie, but fun, if you know what I mean! Then I got my groceries and went back to the apartment.

I waited for Fumihiko to arrive. After he had some cold tea and a rest we made ice cream! It was nice, but I didn't buy milk so it didn't turn out quite right I think. I also maybe needed to chill everything better before we started. For those of you who are checking up on me, I can have a small amount of ice cream, especially if it doesn't have sugar in it...mine didn't.

We went for dinner to La Chance. It was good, but we were the only two customers in the restaurant. I felt sorry for the chef. Finally, around 8 pm when we were almost ready to go another two people showed up. Our meal was really nice, pork with garlic sauce. Yum.

Then we went to the laundromat. We washed our bedding and also dried it. I had already done my sheet and quilt cover this morning, but the other stuff was a bit big for my little washing machine. It took a while and at the end the laundromat got overrun with high school boys doing their laundry. That was a bit strange, but they seemed to be quite nice.

We came home and then made beds. I watched ER and Fumihiko took a nap. I think he was very tired today. He went out like a light! I hope to join him in Dreamland too soon. So, night night!

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