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July 17, 2003 - Thursday

July 17, 2003 - Thursday

Warm and sunny, really nice day. Not too hot, not too cool. Perfect!

Last night I stayed at the apartment and watched one of my new DVD's. I enjoyed it, although it wasn't the greatest movie. This morning I got up late, showered and ate breakfast. It was nice for a change not to have to get up really early. I did miss my husband though.

I was a bit busy at work today, but my last class didn't happen so I was able to get all of my daily paperwork done before 9:00 pm. That meant I was able to leave early. Yay!

Fumihiko picked me up at the apartment and we went to M's Dining for our dinner. We had steak and salad, plus drink bar. It was all really good.

Here at home I just finished reading all of my email. I got some good news, a friend of mine in Japan just had a baby girl. She was convinced that she was having a boy, but she's very happy with her daughter. Everyone is safe and sound. Hurray!

And that is basically it for today. I won't be updating tomorrow night again as I have a drinking party to go to....I hope! It should be fun. I hope!

Night night!

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