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July 19, 2003 - Saturday

July 19, 2003 - Saturday

Rainy in the morning, clearing and cool at night.

Today was a very very busy day! We got to the apartment around 1:00 last night and stayed up chatting for a while. We went to bed around 2. Fumihiko got up quite early, 9 ish I think to go and get his car. He'd left it parked behind my school!

When he came back I showered and then made breakfast. He'd helped by bringing some salad and some pork he bought at a butchers. I made cheese omelets and cooked some bacon too. It was really good. When it was time he drove me to work and left me there. Poor me!

I was busy today! I had 7 classes, and they all happened. That's the first time in weeks. I haven't had a day recently where no class cancelled! I think all of my classes went well, although one student told me I looked tired. Well, yes, I am!

After work, Fumihiko took me out for dinner. We went to Cocos. It was okay. They have a nice salad there, with 10 ingredients and we also had some spinach. I liked it, but Fumihiko didn't. He had wanted noodles, which I can't eat, so he had them. I had a spicy beef stir fry. It's quite nice actually!

Then, he brought me home and I watched Wednesday's episode of Charmed. I really like that show. I guess it's kind of like my Buffy. However, I've never actually seen Buffy, so I don't know if I can compare them!

And that's my day basically. It was good, but I'm a bit tired due to being so busy at work. Tomorrow there won't be an update because I think we're off to Niigata to go fishing and shopping. Sounds like fun as long as we don't go shopping for fish! Ha ha! Night night!

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