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Thursday, July 24, 2003

Thursday, July 24, 2003

Rainy rainy day.

Another kind of boring day. In the morning I left the apartment and went to the school to pick up my bike. On the way I deposited a few coins into my bank account. I was back at the apartment before 9:30. Yay me. I watched the show from yesterday and then cooked lunch and breakfast.

Work was fine today. I was a touch busy, but one class didn't come so it wasn't too bad. I got most of my paperwork done early. Hurray!

Fumihiko picked me up after work and brought me straight home. He had bought some meat to make yakiniku. It was very good. We ate lots of veggies too, so it felt a bit healthy!

And that was my day. The rain made it cool so I didn't sweat a lot, thank goodness. I'm rather enjoying this extended rainy season, except for the rain of course!!!

Night night!

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