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Friday, July 25, 2003

Friday, July 25, 2003

Cloudy and cool then rain at night.

A quiet sort of day. I had to get up early today to go to the apartment, but it was okay. When I got to the apartment I went to sleep for an hour! I then got up and did laundry and watched Smallville.

Work was fine today. I was busy at the beginning of the day and the end, but not too much in the middle. Still, I could have had 7 lessons today, so it was nice that I didn't.

Although I wanted to go out tonight, Fumihiko cooked. And, honestly, I'm glad that he did. Our dinner was just as nice as anything in a restaurant. He prepared steaks and eggplants and I made a salad with the things he bought. It was great. His Mum even contributed miso soup, so that was nice.

When we came upstairs I headed straight for my old computer and updated my database of cds. I put in the ones that I got in Niigata last weekend. I have 298 cds now. Oh my goodness!

I am all plugged up at the moment. I seem to have the start of a cold. I started with a runny nose halfway during the day, but now that I've taken some medicine I'm all plugged up instead of running. Sigh. I blame this strange weather, it's quite cold. I've even asked Fumihiko to get me a blanket for my bed as I'm cold, cold, cold at night.

Anyway, I should get to bed soon. Night night!

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