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July 28, 2003 - Monday

Sunny and hot again.

We were woken up by another earthquake this morning around 4 am I think. Luckily not too serious here, but in Miyagi prefecture it isn't funny. Many people are sleeping in shelters and cleaning up damage after all of the earthquakes.

Today was a putsy sort of day. I went to the apartment and didn't sleep. However, I didn't actually do anything at all! At least not for a while. Then I went into overdrive mode and showered, laundered, and shopped! I wanted to meet Fumihiko at the mall later but I had to do all that stuff first. And, I had to eat. Believe it or not but I didn't eat until 3 ish. I wasn't that hungry and I couldn't persuade myself that I should cook. So, I got some stuff at the grocery store. It was very nice. I really enjoyed it. Cold roast beef and salad. Yum. Perfect for Atkins!

I caught the bus to the mall and read a bit of Harry Potter on the way. I'm really enjoying it the second time through. The first time I read it fast for the story, this time I'm enjoying the writing. J.K.Rowling has done an amazing job. When I got to the mall I went shopping. I bought a small gift for a friend of mine that just had a baby. It was quite difficult because I had to guess the size in 3 months or so. I'm not really sure what size she is now!

I was looking at the craft/sewing shop when Fumihiko called to tell me he'd finished work. By the time I got to the meeting point he was in the mall. We decided to have a drink first and then go to the early show of My Big Fat Greek Wedding. While Fumihiko got the tickets, I got the drinks. I was done first, so I headed over to meet him and ran into a former student working at the theater. It was nice to see her, but we couldn't talk much as the movie was about to begin. The movie was great! There were a few over-generalizations, but as a member of a mixed background marriage, some things were right on the money! It was also nice to see some talented Canadian actors in the movie...Jayne Eastwood and Fiona Reid to name a couple. Nia Vardalos was great, and I am so happy for her that her movie was made!

Fumihiko took me out for dinner after the film. We went to Amarume to the steak restaurant. The steak was great, but the soup was a bit high carb I think. I didn't eat it all.

We came home then and watched the news. The power of the earthquakes is really frightening. The news said we might get more in the next couple of weeks. Scary!

My cold is mostly better! I've been sleeping really well, thanks to the cold medicine. I hope I don't relapse.

When we were in Niigata last weekend I bought a cd of The Beautiful South. I have been pleasantly surprised at how good it is. I'm really enjoying it. The words of the songs are very smart and funny. I'd only heard 3 or 4 songs of theirs before this cd, so it's really a nice surprise!

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