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July 27, 2003 - Sunday

July 27, 2003 - Sunday

Beautiful, gorgeous day! Amazing.

I'm a little afraid of next July 26. Last year my apartment flooded and this year there were 3 earthquakes. What's going to happen next year? Fire? Brimstone? Treacle?

Today was a cool day. We went to bed very late last night. I was waiting until late to take cold medicine as it's supposed to be taken 6 hours apart. Anyway, we slept in this morning. We went out to have lunch. We wanted to go to one restaurant but it was closed, so we went to the one in Mikawa. It was nice. Today wasn't terrific, but it was nice. I enjoyed my lunch, without being astounded or overwhelmed.

After lunch we got gas for the car and then went to the Sakata Art Museum. There was an exhibition of handmade Japanese dolls and marionettes. The dolls were gorgeous, but, I can't help thinking that they were a little cold looking. Maybe that was the way they were supposed to be, but I'm not sure. Still, it was a nice "culture vulture" way to spend the day. It was pretty crowded though.

After the museum we went to the mall. I got some new blank cds and we checked out the movie times. We also met a student of mine. We had coffee in the Jusco coffee shop. It's much quieter than Seattles Best Coffee so we could get a seat and have a chat. When we left the mall Fumihiko announced that he was hungry and asked if we could go to Edoichi. I grudgingly said yes. It was really crowded and noisy. I really don't like the place anymore. I think we could pay the same amount of money and have better food somewhere else, but Fumihiko likes it. Tonight he really got his money's worth!

After the meal I wanted to go to Karaoke, so we did. We went to the same place as last time and asked for a room with the same kind of system. However, when we checked the book there were NO English song section. I would have to search through the book full of kanji and katakana/hiragana. I asked Fumihiko to call the desk and they ended up moving us to a different room with a different sound system. It was okay, but I didn't like it as much. The other system had such great songs.

After Karaoke we came home. Fumihiko checked the newspaper for some local news and I checked my new FBC catalog. There's lots of great stuff. If I did more cooking I'd try to order stuff. I'm happy with just my diet/caffeine free pop though.

And that is pretty much my day. It was very nice.Tomorrow I have a day off too. Yay! Night night.

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