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June 3, 2003 - Tuesday

June 3, 2003 - Tuesday

Hot, sunny and nice!

Today was a different sort of day. It started well, but I'm not sure how it's going to end.

This morning I went for a walk and it was great! The music was good, and so was my mood. Then, I went back to the apartment and took a nap. I overslept a bit and had to rush for the rest of the morning. I walked to work for a change so that I could get Fumihiko to come and pick me up, because I was going to pick up his suit at lunch.

Work was okay today. I wore a dress today, one that I haven't worn in ages. In fact, I don't think I've ever worn it before. It looked great! And it was very cool and comfortable. My last class today didn't happen, but it was okay, I had a feeling it wouldn't.

After work, I got Fumihiko to meet me and we came home. He cooked dinner, but he cut his finger in the process. I couldn't find a bandage for him. Even after all this time I have no idea where anything is in this house. I feel like a stranger here.

After midnight, Fumihiko decided to try to set up my ADSL for me, but we couldn't understand each other. He asked me to turn off my computer so I asked if a re-start would be okay. He said yes, so I did that, but that wasn't what he meant. I didn't have any idea what he did mean, so I'm afraid we got a little testy with each other and have packed it in for the night. I personally think that starting something with a computer after midnight when you don't know what you are doing is a big mistake!

Anyway, hopefully we can get things sorted out in the next couple of days. I'm looking forward to having ADSL, but I'm not exactly sure what in the heck it is!!

That's my entry. Not much else to write about. Night night!

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