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Monday, June 2, 2003

Monday, June 2, 2003

Sunny and hot day. Beautiful.

I had an interesting day today. Well, at least I think so. In the morning I went over to the apartment and took a walk. I walked to Ginza and around the river a bit. It was beautiful. I got thirsty so I found a fountain and tried to make it work. Well, at first I turned it too high and the water flew up in the air and landed on my hat and jacket! I got soaked. It was pretty funny actually. When I got back to the apartment I did twenty minutes of pilates. It's tough, but I like it. I think I just figured out why. I get to do it lying down!

I did my usual Monday stuff and then went out to the Daiichi Hotel for lunch. It was good, but a bit of a mistake. I had very spicy beef, and thankfully, lots of salad. That part was great. I also overdid the coffee a bit, but c'est la vie. It wasn't too late in the day at least.

I caught the bus to Mikawa and read my book on the way. This book is courtesy of my friend Susan, it's a V.I. Warshawski novel, called Total Recall. I'm really enjoying it. It's about recovered memories and Holocaust survivors. Very interesting.

At the mall I tried to buy stuff for my throat but didn't get anything really good. I tried! I also walked around, looked at swim suits for Katie...they are darn cute here, but tell me something, why oh why do they have cups and padding in the chest? They are for children? Do little girls really need bras? Personally I don't think so! I missed the movies that I wanted to see, so I went to the amusement center for a while and wasted some money. Not a lot I assure you.

Just after 5 I got a phone call from Fumihiko. He had finished work and was wondering where I was. I got him to come to the mall and pick me up. We didn't really have any plans for the evening, so I suggested that we go to the apartment to relax. On the way there we detoured to a drug store to try to get me some sugarless throat medicine. Hurray. Then back at the apartment we ended up taking a nap. We woke up about an hour later and decided to go for dinner. Tonight I suggested a yakiniku buffet, but not our usual one. We went there and it was okay. They don't have a huge selection, but I think that means that the meat is a bit better quality. However, the drink bar wasn't too good. There was only oolong tea for me, and it was pretty weak. Fumihiko took some orange pop that was so watery it looked yellow. He couldn't drink it.

We came home then and watched ER. Now, I'm writing this and hopefully I'll get to bed soon. It's going to be a long week. Night night!

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