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June 7, 2003 - Saturday

June 7, 2003 - Saturday

Sunny and warm, a bit muggy in the evening.

What a day! In the morning Fumihiko woke me to tell me that breakfast was ready downstairs. He is so amazing! It took me a while to get out of bed though. Breakfast was really nice, but a touch salty. When I was finally ready to go I asked Fumihiko to take me to drugstore to get some throat medicine for me. My cold/flu feels better, but my throat doesn't and I knew I'd be busy today. Well, we ended up going to a brand new drug store on the other side of town from my office and I was panicking in case we wouldn't make it back in time! I got to the school with 4 minutes to spare. Yikes. The funny thing was we both forgot that there is a drugstore about 3 blocks from my office! We could have gone there, and we should have too!

I was busy at work today. I had seven lessons, and they all happened. I think they went quite well too. I was happy with them anyway.

After work I finished up as quickly as I could but when Fumihiko called me I wasn't ready. I had lots of things to do. I had to call our head office and talk to my boss. It was okay, and we made a few jokes together!

Fumihiko took me out for dinner tonight. I could have gone to the same place as my coworkers, but to be honest, I didn't want to spend more time with them. I have to go to a work party tomorrow and I don't want spend all my free time with people from work. So, Fumihiko and I went to Dan. We had a great meal. We had some sashimi, tofu, omelet, eggplant...lots of nice things. I even split the bill with Fumihiko. He often pays for our meals out and I don't think that's fair. I usually offer to pay or pay half, but he doesn't usually let me.

We came home via the vending machine for some yanglon tea and then came home and talked for a bit. Now, the poor thing is sleeping soundly. He is having a tough time recently. He's very busy at work and his back is bothering him. He needs his beauty sleep! He got a hair cut today. I don't mind it too much, and I think it'll be cooler for summer.

Anyway, that's about it for today. Not too much to talk about. Work mostly and some nice food at the restaurant tonight.

Night night!

PS I'm trying out some new colours for backgrounds. If you find one that you like in particular, let me know via the guestbook on the front page! Thanks.

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