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June 8, 2003 - Sunday

June 8, 2003 - Sunday

Lovely sunny day.

I'm going to call this the day of the caterpillar. This morning, Fumihiko went out to pick some cherries from his trees. When he was doing that, a hairy caterpillar fell off the tree, down his neck and brushed against his arms on the way down. Tonight he has huge red welts on his neck from the poison on the caterpiller. He is in a lot of pain. We got some cream from the drugstore and it helped a bit, but it still hurts. I have ordered him to go to the doctor tomorrow if it is still painful.

In other things, I had to work today. We had a party in Sakata with the students from the Sakata school. It was quite a good party actually. We played games for about half an hour and then spent the rest of the time chatting. I enjoyed myself! I saw some of my old coworkers too.

After dinner we hit the mall to check out when The Matrix Unloaded was, but we didn't get to see it. It had already started and the late show was too late. We went and bought the cream for Fumihiko and then went to Amarume to a restaurant. It was very good tonight.

We came home and Fumihiko helped me get my computer hooked up properly with ADSL. It didn't take as long as I thought because I used the iBook's Help and he used the Japanese manual and we got it up and running. I am so happy! Hurray. It's so fast that I can't believe it.

And that's pretty much my day. I don't have a lot of plans for tomorrow. I may go to the mall, or I may not. I want to do some grocery shopping before I go anywhere though.

Good day, which is definitely not what I was expecting!! Except for the caterpillar of course.

Night night.

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