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Monday, June 9, 2003

Monday, June 9, 2003

Sunny and hot. Windy at night...typhoon on the way??

A surprisingly good day! Fumihiko didn't sleep well last night, and neither did I by default. He got up at 7 this morning to put on some cream. I woke up, but fell back asleep. When the alarm went off I was horrified. And very asleep! At the apartment I couldn't get moving for ages. I thought about skipping the exercise, but decided to go for it after all. I'm glad I did! I walked for about 45 minutes and then did pilates. I was all sweaty and just about to take a shower when Fumihiko called me.

Fumihiko had taken the day off and had gone to see a dermatologist about his skin rash. It sounds funny that a caterpilar sting could hurt so much, but his skin looks awful. He got some cream and it helped a bit with the pain.

We went out for lunch after I took my shower and did my laundry, then bought some groceries for me for the week. Then we went to the mall. The Matrix Reloaded wasn't playing again until after five so we did a bit of shopping and a bit of playing games at the amusement center. Then, it was showtime!

I really enjoyed the film today. It was exciting, the effects were amazing, the story was interesting and I can't wait for part 3! Hugo Weaving is very cool as Smith. They seem to have dropped the "Agent" part of his name though.

After the movie we went out for dinner and then came home. Since then I haven't been doing too much. I watched ER and prepared pictures to send to my school from the party yesterday.

Tomorrow, I'm back to work. I hope I get to have a good day! Wish me luck!

Night night!

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