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June 23, 2003 - Monday

June 23, 2003 - Monday

Sunny and hot day...around 30 degrees.

We had a great couple of days. Yesterday we went to see The Core at the theatre and rather enjoyed it. Silly, but fun!

Today we went to the Hotel Rich in Sakata for lunch. It was very nice, a buffet. It's a little bit more expensive than the buffet in Tsuruoka, but they had some very nice food and I got to eat a lot! Yum.

We also went to Book Off as Fumihiko was looking for a book he wanted. However, I'm the one that ended up buying stuff! I got 2 used DVD's and 4 used videos. I got Some Kind of of my all time favourite films, The Gift..another of Sam Raimi's weird little films that I love, a Russell Crowe movie that I've never seen before and Universal Soldier. This one is my absolute favourite Jean Claude Van Damme movie. I know, most people wouldn't even admit that they like him, but it's one where his umm, how can I say this, wooden acting style serves the plot well. I'm looking forward to watching them all. Yahoo!

Later on we went to Mikawa Mall and sat in Seattle's Best Coffee for a while and drank coffee. I think as a result that I have drunk way too much coffee today. While we were drinking we decided to go fishing! So, Fumihiko went home and grabbed the fishing stuff. We went to Kamo, to the port. Fumihiko caught 3 fish, but I didn't catch any. Oh well. That's life!

We went to Edoichi for dinner, at my suggestion. Yes, I know, I'm crazy, but I was quite hungry. I actually quit eating tonight. I couldn't eat everything that I took. It was good, but I just couldn't eat any more. We came home via the gas station and I watched ER. It was good, but a bit scary. One interesting thing was they had Dana Elcar on the show. He used to be on MacGyver as Pete, MacGyver's boss. He's blind in real life and he was playing a blind man in the show too. It was very interesting.

And that's about it for tonight. Not too much to talk about. Still it was a nice mini break.

Night night!

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