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Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Sunny and hot, a few rain drops in the evening.

A different sort of day all in all. I went to the apartment and went for a walk. I had a good one and went around the river near Ginza. It was beautiful. I came home and did laundry and cooked breakfast.

At work today I was a bit busy. I had five classes. I was supposed to have 6 but the last one didn't happen. During one of my classes I noticed that my light was burning out. I told the manager and she said she'd buy a new light bulb for it. Well, during my kids class it died completely! I moved the class to another room and then we finished the class there. The manager was very brave and changed the lights for me. What a dear!

After work I went to the apartment to deliver my groceries and to pick up my laundry. Fumihiko met me a few minutes and we came home. We cooked dinner here. It was shabu-shabu and fish with salad and cottage cheese. It was good!

We came upstairs and spent a bit of time together. It was a good day. I hope everyday this week will be like that! I doubt that it will be, but I hope so.

Anyway, a couple of nights this week I'll be staying at the apartment and I won't be updating. Also, on the weekend I'll be out of prefecture for a while so don't miss me!

Night night! See you tomorrow I think!

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