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June 27, 2003 - Friday

June 27, 2003 - Friday

Felt like rain all day, but probably didn't rain.

This morning waking up was difficult. I had stayed up late last night watching The Gift. I really enjoyed it, but this morning I found it impossible to get up and stay up. I didn't walk, didn't do pilates, didn't even cook my own breakfast. I did manage lunch but that was mostly because if I didn't it would go bad.

Work was fine today. I didn't have many classes but I did work on paperwork and one of my open classes next week. I also didn't get into any arguements with anybody either!

After work Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Dan. It was great! I really liked the food, but when we got the bill we were a bit shocked. It was too much! I added up everything on the receipt and it didn't come to the amount they said. The waitress checked for us and it seemed that someone had mistakenly charged our table for two beers...which we didn't order or drink! They took that off and we paid.

At home I made a cd for our trip. I think it'll be a good one. I love modern technology! Then I packed my suitcase. I overpacked but I think that it will be okay. I don't know what kind of conditions I'll meet at the place we're going. I hope it'll be nice!

Anyway, I'm off until Tuesday night at the earliest....might be Wednesday in fact. Have a good time and don't miss me too much!

Night night!

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