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July 1, 2003 - Tuesday

Happy Canada Day 2003!

Rainy and cloudy all day. Finally torrential rain.

We're back from our mini-break. It was great. We had a lovely time, stayed in a small hotel in Nikko. I think we were the only guests! We had a great room and the owner was a great chef. Most of the food he cooked was perfect for my diet, husband having forgotten to tell the poor man about my eating habits. Men!

Today we went to Edo Wonderland. It's a theme park without rides, the people are all dressed up like "Ye Olde Japan". It was very interesting and fun! It rained a lot, on and off, but we still had a great time! I even took a few pictures...anyone interested in seeing some?

Here's one for you now....yours truly as a ninja woman! If I can get it to work properly!


Gotta go, 5 am is coming too soon. Night night!

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