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March 7, 2003 - Friday

March 7, 2003 - Friday

Rainy day, but not too cold.

Despite my intent to go out and go walking this morning, it didn't happen. It was raining and I was tired, so I just stayed in and took a nap. I overslept as usual, but I didn't have to take a shower this morning so it was okay.

Work was okay today. One of my students didn't show up again, for the second time this week. Sigh. And she didn't call either. I did have an interview tonight and the student will join one of my classes in the near future so that's good.

Not much happened at work today. I prepared for today and tomorrow's classes. After work I left with my husband and we went out for yakiniku. We had yakiniku and kimchee nabe. It was very good, I just hope that it wasn't too spicy for my stomach. These days I can't eat spicy food. It's a sad thing.

When we came home we talked for a bit about when we were younger. It was interesting. There's a whole part of Fumihiko's life that I'll never really know about. And, of course, he'll never know about mine either. Sigh. But maybe that's a good thing?

Anyway, not much to report on tonight. Tomorrow I have to interview a student who might be able to join my returnee class. That would be a good thing if it happens.

Gotta go. Night night!

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