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March 6, 2003 - Thursday

March 6, 2003 - Thursday

A nice day. Not too cold, snow melted off the roads etc.

A day that started badly, but improved.

This morning Fumihiko and I didn't talk until we got to my apartment, then we kind of made up, but I was still upset for a while. I napped, and it was really hard to wake up when my alarm went off. I made lunch and breakfast and then I left for work.

At work I cancelled my holiday for later in the month. I didn't want to, but if Fumihiko is working it didn't seem quite fair to take time off and go somewhere without him. So, I decided to work too. I'm still not too happy about it, especially since my students might be a bit confused, but hopefully everything will be okay.

Classes were mostly okay today, with one exception. That one went really well until the end. I tried to get them to do something that was a bit too hard for them. Sigh. I felt really bad about it.

After work tonight Fumihiko and I went out to M's Dining. It was really busy for a change. There were people waiting to get seats, but because we could take non-smoking we could get in right away. Yeah!

We came home and had a talk about this and that. It wasn't important stuff, but it was important for us to talk to each other. Anyway, I feel a lot better tonight. And so, with that, I'm going to leave you for tonight! Night night.

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