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Sunday, March 9, 2003

Sunday, March 9, 2003

Snowy, a bit cold, with rain, hail and snow.

A good day. I stayed up late doing a quiz on the internet. It's for memorable movie quotes. I got quite a few in the easy category, but the others were hard. I finally had to resort to cheating and looking up the quotes on the internet. Check out the quiz at the Empire site...Empire is a great British film magazine. Expensive over here, but worth every penny.

This morning we slept in and then went out for lunch. We went to the Daiichi hotel, but not to the cafe that we usually go to. We went to the Teppanyaki room and had Yamagata steak. It was very nice, but very small!

After dinner we went to Dengeki-Soko and I finally bought myself a new cd rack. I have a lot of cds, but they are up on top of my dresser and I can't always reach them. Fumihiko had to carry the box out to the car and put it in the trunk. It was so long that he had to collapse one of the seats and stick it out through the inside of the car!

We drove to Sakata then to get something to eat! No kidding. After lunch we were still a bit hungry, so we drove there and went to M's Dining. It was nice and we had the drink bar and the soup bar and had a nice late lunch. We drove back to Tsuruoka and stopped in at Mikawa to see a used car sale. Fumihiko was looking at cars, but actually I don't care much about cars! Never have, probably never will! He enjoyed it though.

We drove back to my apartment and watched a movie. We watched The Wedding Singer. My copy didn't have subtitles, so it was a little difficult for Fumihiko, but he did very well. I really like that movie, it's a hoot.

Then we went to Edoichi for dinner. Of course, we ate too much, but it's the weekend after all!

We came home and put the cd rack together. It looks really good. I put a few of my cd's in it, but I think I'll gradually let it fill up with the cds that I use most. That way it will be more useful to me in the long run. We're now working on our respective computers. I'm trying to finish today's entry up, I'm not sure what he's doing. Solitaire perhaps? Yep, that was it! I'm off to bath and bed soon. Night night!

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