A nice day with a bit of rain in the evening.
This morning I did my usual stuff, with the exception of watching the TV around 10 am to see what President Bush had to say for himself. It was a bit hard to understand with the Japanese translation going on on top of his speech, but I think I heard enough. Can't say that I'm happy about it, but what can I do?
I had a reasonably busy day at work. All of my students came and classes went quite well. Not much happened. I didn't go out at lunch today. I had brought my lunch and I still had some water so I didn't need to.
After work I rode my bike back to the apartment so that I could use it tomorrow. Fumihiko came and picked me up there and then we went out for dinner. We went to M's Dining and had grilled chicken with vegetables. It was really good. We also had drink bar and Caesar salad. Fumihiko went first and helped himself to the soup bar. I was a bit shocked as he hadn't order the soup bar, but he told the waitress and it was added to our bill, so don't worry, we did pay!
We came home and now I'm writing this. It's been an interesting day in the world, but not exactly interesting in my life. Gotta go. Night night!
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