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Monday, March 17, 2003

Monday, March 17, 2003

A nice day with a cool wind.

I went to the apartment this morning and promptly took a nap. It was supposed to be short, but actually it was quite long! I slept for 2 or 3 hours. Yikes. Oh well, good thing I didn't have to be anywhere just then.

When I got up I showered, and did laundry. I also cooked breakfast and watched my weekend's TV. It was okay pretty much. Then, I went out to the post office and the school.

I worked on my paperwork for an hour or so and then left to go back to the apartment. Fumihiko thought that he could finish about the same time as I did, but he called me and said that he couldn't. It was too bad. I went back to the apartment via the grocery store. At the apartment I poured myself a diet coke and then while I was drinking it, Fumihiko showed up. I made him some coffee and we talked for a while.

We talked about where to go for dinner, and decided to go for yakiniku again. But, on the way there, I thought about going to Dan, the izakaya, so we did! We got some sad news when we drove in there though, Audition, the one and only karaoke box that I had a membership at, has closed. The sign on the door said that it was only temporary, but I don't know. The food at Dan was good, but the staff seemed rather nervous when they saw us. I'm not sure why. We ate a lot, way too much probably!

We came home and I used my computer to prepare some pictures for my school. There's a clean up contest going on and we had to take before and after pictures of our school. It took a few minutes to prepare them this time. Last time it took hours! That's about it. I'm debating taking a shower here or at the apartment tomorrow morning. I'm not sure which is better. Probably here as I washed my apartment towels today and they won't be dry yet.

Anyway, I have to go. Take care! Night night!

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