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March 23, 2003 - Sunday

March 23, 2003 - Sunday

Clear and sunny, quite warm.

Well, we did it! We drove to Niigata today. I slept in a bit later than Fumihiko, but he'd made coffee in our room. The lovely smell of that, plus the fact that the alarm clock was still on from yesterday, made me wake up.

We ate breakfast on the way at Gusto. It was okay. We skipped the drink bar this time as we didn't want to make a lot of stops! The road was great and I had brought along some good tunes, so we were set. We did stop for drinks and light snacks along the way, but other than that, we kept on driving.

When we made it to Niigata city we had to find parking. We parked in Billboard Plaza. When we went into the building I made a bee-line for Virgin Megastore of course. However, I only found 1 cd that I was interested in, so that was all I bought. I got StyxWorldLive. The reason that I bought it is that Larry Gowan is the lead singer for the band Tommy Shaw's absence. I hope it's good. I notice that there is a version of A Criminal Mind on the cd. I hope it's still good!

I also bought some stamps and cards, and some magazines at Kinokuniya. We never did make it over to Starbucks for some coffee, but we were worried about the parking fee. Well, I was, Fumihiko wasn't!

On the way out of Niigata we stopped for some yakiniku. The place we went to was good, but a little expensive.

When we got back to Tsuruoka, a mere 3 hours later, we were both a little hungry, but not desperate. So, I suggested karaoke. We went to Monet, the place that has the country songs. I sang quite a few songs, including Wild Thing, and The Harper Valley P.T.A. I didn't really know that one, but I half remembered it from my childhood. We had a good time.

Then we went to M's Dining for a light snack! We still weren't really hungry, but knew that we had to eat. So, we had some grilled chicken and the soup bar. That was really nice. After dinner, we came home and just relaxed. Fumihiko is off to work tomorrow, and I'm off to the apartment. That's it for today! Night night!

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