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March 23, 2003 - Monday

March 23, 2003 - Monday

Clear and sunny day. Warm too.

I started today right. I went for a 20 minute walk! Yay me. It was very nice. I found a route that takes me about 22 minutes. I'll have to add to it as I get into shape, but it's a nice walk, with only a couple of crossings and I get to cross the river twice, so it's quite scenic too. Unfortunately, when I came back to the apartment I took a long nap! Oh dear.

When I woke up I decided to go out. I went shopping! I needed to find a good present for my friend Michelle. I think I found something, but I'm not sure if she'll like it or not! I hope so. I also got myself some lunch and a few things that I didn't really need, but think are okay.

After that, I went to S-Mall to do my grocery shopping. I got stuff for this week, and also saw one of my students. It was nice to see her as I haven't had her in class for a while. She's very busy at work now.

I went back to the apartment and made some tea for myself. When Fumihiko came I made coffee for him and then we talked for a while. Then, we went out for dinner. We wanted to have French, but the restaurant was closed, so we went to Kamerotei for yakiniku. It was very good and we ate too much, as usual. Still, most of it was very healthy I think.

After, we came home and spent some quality time together. We won't be seeing each other tomorrow night as Fumihiko has yet another goodbye party. Sigh. That of course means I won't be updating tomorrow night. I'll write it, but I won't be able to post it tomorrow. So, I'll talk to you in a couple of days!

Night night!

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