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May 7, 2003 - Wednesday

May 7, 2003 - Wednesday

A bit muggy today, with a bit of rain.

A pretty good day today. I actually did yoga before work this morning. I don't know if I'll like it, but I do like the idea of it!

Work was okay today. Not much unusual happened. Except I forgot my name tag and I forgot to punch in today! Oh well. I did call our head office to find out about a payroll mistake they made. They said that they'll fix it next month. Yay!

After work I rode to the apartment and Fumihiko drove past me when I was waiting for the light to change. He honked, and I waved. He brought me home and we cooked supper. It was good.

After we did the dishes we came upstairs and watched Charmed. it was interesting. I can't quite predict what is going to happen with that show.

Really, a nothing sort of day! I almost hate to post this because it's so boring!

Night night.

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