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May 8, 2003 - Thursday

May 8, 2003 - Thursday

Rainy and cloudy day all day.

I had a good day today, mostly! In the morning I finished reading my book, which I really enjoyed, and then I took a nap. After that I did my usual morning stuff.

Work was okay. I had one class not show up because the student overslept, but the rest seemed to go quite well.

After work, when I got back home, I did something unusual. I cooked dinner! Fumihiko often does it, but tonight I gave him a rest. He did the salad though, and it was good. I concocted a mixture of ground pork and beef, chopped onions and cream of mushroom soup, seasoned with copious amounts of Worchester sauce! It was great. We both got seconds too. Yum. Yum.

We did dishes and then came upstairs. We're working on our respective computers. Hopefully I'll go to bed soon as I'm quite tired. My sunburn from the weekend is driving me crazy. I got a good dose on my neck at the front. I put lots of sunscreen on but I missed the bit at the top of my neck. It's dry and itchy. Yuck!

Anyway, I have to go....night night!

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