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May 12, 2003 - Monday

May 12, 2003 - Monday

A bit cloudy, but mostly hot with sun.

This morning at the apartmetn I just went to sleep. I took a nap for about 3 hours. When I finally woke up I felt refreshed and pretty genki! I took a shower and went out. I rode my bike to S-Mall.

I went for lunch at the Dai-ichi Hotel, by myself. It was nice. I had roast pork and salad, with a bunch of other things. It was nice.

I went shopping at S-Mall, but didn't buy very much. I picked up some stuff at the hundred yen shop. Then, I headed over to the post office. I deposited some coins...around 7500yen worth! I felt a bit sorry for the guy who took them, but he did have a machine to count them. I didn't have that when I worked at the bank! Then, I went to the grocery store and bought my groceries for the week. I got quite a bit of stuff.

I went back to the apartment and did my laundry. I hadn't done it in the morning because I was tired. I did two loads, and it was fine. Fumihiko came and got me and I plied him with coffee.

We went out for dinner. We had yakiniku. It was good, but we just had too much! We ordered a plate that was good for 3-4 people. Well, It was too much for us two. By the end we were really struggling to finish eating.

We came home and watched a bit of TV with Fumihiko's Mum and then I came upstairs to watch ER. Fumihiko just came upstairs! He's playing computer games on his computer now. And that's it for me for tonight. A fun day. Night night.

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