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May 15, 2003 - Thursday

May 15, 2003 - Thursday

A little cloudy with a few specks of rain. Hot!

I had a good day. I woke up today feeling much, much better. I still have to blow my nose a lot, but not like on Tuesday. Hurray! I took a nap at the apartment too, even though I swore that I wouldn't. I was tired. For the second time in a row we had to leave early so I needed extra sleep!

I had an interesting cooking time too. I cooked fish for my lunch! I did in on the grill. It was very nice.I also made my usual omelet and bacon for breakfast. It's so yummy.

Work was pretty good. I had one class not show up, but it was a different class from Tuesday! I also made a mistake in one class and started teaching from the wrong page, but actually it worked out okay! Next week I'll likely teach the remaining stuff that I didn't get to! My last class of the day went really well. It was 3 working women talking about the difference between Britain and Japan for workers. It was really interesting.

After work I chatted for a while with two of my students. They are both changing classes soon and wanted to choose which ones they would move to. I think they made good decisions. After they left I did my paperwork and changed my clothes.

I met up with Fumihiko at the apartment and we went out to Gusto for dinner. I had steak and he had chicken. We also had a salad between us. Yum. And drink bar. They have a great drink bar, lots of yummy herb teas. I think my favourite one is lavender tea.

We came home and Fumhiko is off taking a bath now. The poor man is really tired. He looks done in. I hope he gets some sleep soon. I'll post my entry and then I'll try to go to bed soon too.

Only 2 more days! I'm tired....I need a break! Good night!

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