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May 16, 2003 - Friday

May 16, 2003 - Friday

Cloudy and a little rainy.

Today was a good day. I didn't take a nap at the apartment this morning, I got to work instead. I did my laundry and read some of a magazine. It was nice and relaxing. I made breakfast and lunch and then left for work.

I wasn't very busy at work today. I did have two classes back to back at the beginning, but then not much! And, my last class didn't show up, so I finished up very early. I called Fumihiko a few minutes after 9 and he met me at the apartment.

We drove home and had yakiniku for dinner. It was good, then we came upstairs and had some coffee. I took my shower early for a change and now I'm writing my home page while Fumihiko sleeps. The poor man is very tired these days.

Tomorrow I should be a little busier at work, hurray! I'll catch you on the morrow! Night night!

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